For this challenge, we get a small description and a .pyc file.
There is a way to find it!
Opening the .pyc file using a text editor we can see the flag in base64 in plain text:
Æ_aªã@s`dZedZeekrTedZedkrJeddZe d¡e ¡edq\edned d
S)Zvery_secretzEnter the secret pass: z0Good joob enter the word ‘yes’ to get the flag: ZyesZvirusÚwzY3Rme0hpRGVuX1Bhc3NfQ3RGfQ==z%HAHA nice try, but look at a sus filez
enter yes zwrong, try again!N) ZpasswordÚinputZpass_secretÚoÚopenÚfileÚwriteÚcloseÚprint©r r úhidden-pass.pyÚs
Converting the string from base64 to ASCII using CyberChef gives us the flag: ctf{HiDen_Pass_CtF}